Caffeine resource: How much caffeine is in your coffee?

Ever wondered how much caffeine was in your cup of morning coffee? Drinking coffee can impact your health, and usually for the better. But consuming more caffeine than you can handle can sometimes cause negative effects, such as anxiety, heart palpitations and problems getting to sleep. So it’s always good to know how much caffeine we’re pouring into our bodies. To make it easier for you to work this out, the experts here at Amore Coffee have gathered together as much data as possible in this caffeine resource, allowing you to compare and contrast the caffeine levels of various different brands and types of coffee. We’ve also included tea and some other caffeine-rich soft drinks, just to help you get the whole picture.

Safe amounts of caffeine

The safe amount of caffeine changes depending on the person due to their individual tolerance, but as a rough guide 400–600mg of caffeine per day should be absolutely fine. This is equivalent to approximately 4–6 average cups of coffee. If your tolerance is much higher, you can drink way more. Just make sure you pay attention to how your body reacts to caffeine; it’s a fantastic stimulant with loads of positive health benefits (read our coffee health guide here) but only if it is enjoyed responsibly!

How much caffeine is in the average cup of coffee?

Type of coffee Size in millilitres (mL) Caffeine in milligrams (mg)
Brewed coffee 8 oz. (237 mL) 95-200 mg
Brewed coffee (decaf) 8 oz. (237 mL) 2-12 mg
Brewed coffee single-serve varieties (from sachets and capsules) 8 oz. (237 mL) 75-150 mg
Brewed coffee single-serve varieties (from sachets and capsules) decaf 8 oz. (237 mL) 2-4 mg
Espresso coffee* 1 oz. (30 mL) 47-75 mg
Espresso coffee (decaf) 1 oz. (30 mL) 0-15 mg
Instant coffee 8 oz. (237 mL) 27-173 mg
Instant coffee (decaf) 8 oz. (237 mL) 2-12 mg

*The various espresso coffee beverages are all made with a shot of espresso with milk or water added. So this entry also incorporates Americano, Latte, Mocha, Flat White, Cappuccino and any other coffee beverage made from an espresso machine.

What coffee has the most caffeine in it?

Most coffee beans have a similar amount of caffeine, and the differences between them are negligible. However, some companies have gone to extra effort, either in the lab or the roasting and brewing process, to make their coffee as caffeinated as possible. Here are our top three most caffeinated coffee beverages:

3) Nespresso coffee capsules

These little guys pack a big punch, with 44.4mg/fl. Oz of caffeine. In each Nespresso capsule you’ll find 60mg of caffeine. To put this into perspective, if you were to indulge in an average-sized mug of coffee (12oz) filled with Nespresso you would consuming 532.8mg of caffeine!

2) Starbucks espresso

Famous for their large cup sizes, this international coffee chain can also boast some of the most caffeinated coffee in the land. One shot of Starbucks espresso contains 50mg/fl. Oz of caffeine. And when you consider the double and triple shots you can get for larger beverages in Starbucks, the caffeine levels really start to add up!

1)      Deathwish

With a name like Deathwish, this coffee brand ought to come in at number 1! Deathwish prides itself on having the strongest coffee in the world and they market themselves around this. With 55mg/fl. Oz of caffeine, Deathwish produces coffee much stronger than the average espresso. In the average 12-ounce mug of Deathwish coffee there is 660mg of caffeine, which is over twice as much as most common coffee brews!

How much caffeine is in your cup of tea?

The following table shows how the amount of caffeine (in milligrams) in the average cup of tea changes the longer it is brewed.

Brewing Time Generic Black Tea Generic Green Tea Generic Oolong
1 min brew 19 9 9
3 min brew 28 18 20
5 min brew 31 21 27

As you can see, beverages made from brewing tea leaves have much less caffeine than coffee, but they can be made much stronger if you are patient and allow them to brew for longer.

How much caffeine is in other soft drinks (Energy drinks, pop, etc.)?

The following table contains information about the amount of caffeine (in milligrams) in an average-sized glass (around 12 oz or 330-340 mL) of several of the most popular energy drinks and other soft drinks.

Type of beverage (12 oz or 330-340ml) Amount of caffeine (mg)
Rockstar 120
Monster 120
Red Bull 110.7
Pepsi One 55.5
Mountain Dew 55
Diet Mountain Dew 55
Diet Coke 45.6
Dr. Pepper 41
Diet Dr. Pepper 41
Pepsi-Cola 37.5
Diet Pepsi 36
Coca-Cola Classic 34
Cherry Coke 34
Vanilla Coke 34
Diet Cherry Coke 34
Snapple Flavored Teas (Reg. or Diet) 31.5
Irn Bru 30
Snapple Sweet Tea 12
Lipton Brisk, All Varieties 9
Sprite 0
7-Up 0
Fanta 0
Lilt 0

And that’s it. We hope you’ve learned a thing or two and that this caffeine resource proves useful. We’re passionate about coffee here at Amore Coffee and we’re interested caffeine its role in many of the beverages we drink on a daily basis. Please get in touch with us if you have a coffee-related question or if you’d like to enquire about our coffee machine rental service.


Journal of Food Science, 2010; Pediatrics, 2011; USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 26; Journal of Analytical Toxicology

2006; Starbucks, 2014; Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2014; Keurig, 2014