Quality coffee in your office

Coffee today is more than simply a refreshment. Your visitors, workforce and management all understand the difference between real coffee and what comes from the office kitchen.

How many of your staff will come into work carrying a coffee in a cardboard cup? Or on your way into work how many people will you see carrying a coffee cup.

Are you also finding that at break times your staff (or yourself) are having to leave the office just to ensure you get a decent cup off coffee,  and usually having to pay as much as £3 for that privilege??!! ( sometimes twice a day) That cost soon mounts up….

Why not look at improving coffee in your workplace, provide your work force and clients fresh coffee that they will really enjoy and deserve?

Our machines will dispense a wide variety of coffees, from Latte, Cappuccino, Espresso, Macchiato, Hot Chocolate,  Espresso and of course Black and White. These are available in a decaf option as well!

Fresh Bean to cup, barista style quality coffee in around 30 seconds.

We can help you with this for as little as 50P per cup

Give me a call or drop me an email, I’ll do my best to explain further…

(I Might even buy you a coffee) 🙂

Simon Nicols